As a solar contractor, contending with the complicated and costly permitting process is part of doing business.
Needless to say, the process can be a frustrating obstacle, but is necessary to getting a job completed. Collecting and reporting permit-related project data contributes as much as 30% to overall solar project costs, not to mention the time solar installers have to spend tracking down local jurisdictions and their contact information.
The first blog in our Solar Operations Series reviewed solar insurance options and potentially applicable energy policies to protect your business and mitigate risk. In this installment we’ll explore permitting solutions that can help lower costs and expedite the solar installation process.
SolarAPP: The Solar Permitting Solution You’ve Been Waiting For?
Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and The Solar Foundation unveiled the Solar Automated Permit Processing (SolarAPP) initiative which seeks to expedite and lower the cost of solar permitting. In this article, we explore some of the problems caused by the current permitting process and discuss the SolarAPP initiative and what it may mean for the U.S. solar industry.
Is Permitting Killing Your Solar Business? Help May Be An Orange Button Away
Sunspec Alliance’s Orange Button Project aims to lower the costs of procuring installation permits and simplify the notoriously long and complicated process — for free. Read more to see how you can use the Orange Button Project to streamline and simplify your next project permit.
This solar business operations series has been created in conjunction with The Current, our weekly solar newsletter. Our next article will cover the resources solar employers can use to recruit the best talent for their teams and ensure an inclusive work environment with plenty of advancement.
In the meantime, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to have blogs and Aurora webinars that will help you stay one step ahead delivered to you once a week (we promise).